Yesterday I attended a church service of another denomination before attending mine. The first service I attended had a friendly congregation, an accomplished choir, and a place for children to go to so that they didn't have to sit through the entire service. The pastor provided a sermon based on scriptures from the New Testament. I enjoyed the sermon and learned from it.
In Come Follow Me we have been studying about Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and the translation of the Book of Mormon. I have been pondering the great blessing it is to have in my possession scripture in addition to the Bible. This past week I read from the Doctrine & Covenants and the Book of Mormon. I read Jacob's description of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and my understanding was enlarged. In the Doctrine & Covenants I read of several directives given by Christ to men in the latter-days, and how He is willing to answer if we ask.
As it says in the Christmas hymn "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day," "God is not dead nor doth He sleep." I worship a living God. God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are alive. They spoke to prophets of old and they continue to speak to prophets who are on the earth today. They are concerned about us and they know what is happening on earth, in every country, and in every family. They have not turned away from us. They have not shut off communication. Revelation is ongoing.
I value the Bible and I value the additional scripture that God has provided. I listen to the living prophet as he has pertinent guidance for my day. I am blessed beyond measure to have many sources in which to learn about God and feel His Spirit.
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