This is a picture of the Draper Temple, the temple I go to most often. These thoughts and questions by Anthony Sweat help me focus while in the temple.
Three great questions to ask yourself are: What does the Lord want me to know from this experience? What does the Lord want me to feel from this experience? And What does the Lord want me to do because of this experience? When you ask these questions in meekness and humility, great insights flow from God’s house of revelation. As you approach God asking what He might have you know, feel, or do and faithfully visit and revisit the Lord’s holy house, insights will unfold.
As you participate in the temple endowment, try to do so
in an attitude of approaching God to obtain further truth and knowledge from
Pay attention to how you feel and to what it is about the temple experience that is helping you feel this way.
As you worship in the temple, pay attention to the Spirit
of God’s influence upon your spirit.
When you enter the holy temple, you may want to continually ask yourself, What would God have me do based on what I am learning or feeling? What would he have me become?
Overall, as you attend the temple, ask yourself, What can I do to better live my covenants? Or What can I act upon, today, to live this divine law? If you and I are to abide in the presence of God, we must live His celestial laws and act in obedience and submission as He requires.
Because the temple is a place set apart from the world—a
gate between heaven and earth, if you will—it is an ideal place to get heavenly
help for the challenges of earthly life.
(Taken from The Holy Invitation: Understanding Your Sacred Temple Endowment by Anthony Sweat)
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