Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Several weeks ago when Matthew was speaking at a stake conference, he posed the question to the adults of the stake as to whether or not they had shared their feelings about the Book of Mormon with their families. I am acting on his invitation and sharing my thoughts with you today.

I love the Book of Mormon! It is my favorite book and I do not tire of it. As soon as I finish it I begin reading it again, and no matter the stage of life or what is happening around me, the book provides fresh insight for me in my circumstances. The doctrine in the Book of Mormon is clear and easy for me to grasp. Numerous prophets testify of the plan of happiness that was laid out for us, and the marvelous sacrifice given freely by the Savior. I learn about the nature of God and Jesus Christ and the role of the Holy Ghost. My love for the members of the Godhead has increased and my focus has turned to the Savior. 

Besides the doctrine, there are lessons in the storyline about relationships, families, prophets, civilizations, politics, choices, obedience, humility, and more. Reading about the people of long ago and their challenges provides great learning and application for me. There are numerous heroes in the Book of Mormon that have notable attributes worthy of my emulation. I am instructed as to what I need to be doing in life, and how I should be changing, or becoming. I feel like my efforts to consistently read have strengthened my spiritual armor and protected me from devilish temptations. Most importantly, the reading has provided a portal in which the Spirit can touch my soul, heart and mind with personal instruction and guidance. I feel God's love as I read. I feel spiritual confirmations that the messages are true, and I feel peace.

I testify to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and express my appreciation for it. It has been a marvelous guide and rock in my life. I testify of the loving and watchful care of God the Father, of His interest in us and our potential, and of His generosity in providing all that we need to return to His presence.  I testify of the Savior, Jesus Christ, who lived a perfect life and willingly sacrificed for us. His mercy fills me with overwhelming gratitude. He is the shining light of hope in this darkening world.

I love you! You are a choice blessing to me!


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