Sunday, December 24, 2023

Can you tell that my breathing has slowed the last two days? It has! The cards are mailed out, the deliveries delivered, the presents wrapped, the house cleaned, and I am feeling calm. I had urges to go out yesterday and buy more gifts, and I am always concerned as to what I forgot or didn't do correctly, but I must let those thoughts go and concentrate on the Savior. What a blessing to have Christmas Eve on a Sunday! This has forced me to plan ahead have tasks completed in order to feel the Spirit of the Sabbath. Here is a partial list of ways my soul has been enriched this month:



--Hearing people teach and testify

--Finding small ways to light the world. Thinking of others.

--Seeing hundreds of ways that others are lighting the world

--Connecting/visiting with friends and family members

--Listening to music

--Worshipping together on Sunday

--Attending the temple


--Seeing.. the pink light in the sky in the early mornings, the sunsets in the evening, the snow on the mountains and on the trees, and marveling at the beauty of the earth.

--Learning more about God and Jesus Christ and feeling gratitude for them. I feel such gratitude to the Savior Jesus Christ! I rejoice that He was born and willingly came to earth.

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