Sunday, October 15, 2023

"One late night I was going home by bus. I was tired, but the bus driver was attentive and awake. Then I noticed how treacherous some of the roads were. There was no shoulder, just the opposite lane on one side and a huge cliff on the other. Any deviation from the road could cause either a serious accident with oncoming traffic or a tragic plummet off the cliff. I noticed that the driver never went out of the highway lines—never once veering to the potential harm of either side. I started to think about how much our lives are like this situation."
From "The Danger of Small Deviations," Inaê Leandro, October 2023 Liahona. 

The car that I currently drive has a feature that pulls the wheel and beeps when I veer into another lane, even slightly. If I begin to change lanes before I put my blinker on, the wheel pulls me back and a beeping sound begins. To me this is analogous to the Holy Ghost helping me to keep in the "correct lane." Though the Holy Ghost is not the driver (I am), He is watching my driving and will warn me when I begin to stray. How grateful I am for His guidance!

I want to stay in the correct lane.  I want to be careful like the bus driver and avoid serious accidents. I appreciate the warnings of the Holy Ghost.


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