Tuesday, October 31, 2023

This book was recommended to me and I'm glad I read it. The content of this book will help me listen and understand in a better way.

We can’t control how others feel, nor should we try, but by better understanding these faith challenges, we can more effectively minister and show love. Building a bridge requires humility and openness; we must open ourselves to the people we are trying to understand and put ourselves in their shoes, sincerely trying to see their perspective.  Building a bridge means that we listen—not to formulate the perfect response, but to empathize, comfort, mourn, validate, and love. Building a bridge requires vulnerability, because our efforts may not always be reciprocated—there may be no one else building the other side of the bridge.  But we keep learning and trying because of our love for them and our love for our Heavenly Parents (pg. xii).

Often, we only understand what we can see from the outside; rarely can we see the whole person, including what is inside their heart.  When we cast blame on those losing their faith, doubt their sincerity, or offer cliché solutions to their concerns, they will lose confidence in their relationships with us and we will lose the trust that comes when we treat their experiences and feelings as real (pg. 45).

The behavior that is most effective in ministering is loving, listening, and trying to understand without judgment.  This is what bridge building is all about—finding common ground and building a firm and constant foundation (pg. 45).



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