Saturday, October 28, 2017

I notice you Matthew.
I notice when you greet me after work and when you tell me you love me as you head out the door.
I noticed last week when you did the dishes, and the sink was full of them.
I noticed when you sent me to the grocery store in your car, and while I was gone you took my car to the car wash and then filled it up.  That was so nice of you.
I notice how you go to meetings night after night and Sunday after Sunday, yet you never complain.
I notice how you care about people.
I notice how you love the missionaries.
I notice how you think of things (or think of people) and you make a call or go on a visit.
I notice how you handle the mowing and edging and raking.
I notice how you always put your dirty clothes in the hamper.  Some wives complain about their husbands throwing clothing on the floor, but your aim to the hamper is always good.
I notice how you listen to me when I need to vent or talk through something.  You are a good listener.
I notice how you encourage me, support me, and ask for my opinion.
I notice your patience with me as I struggle to work on things.
I notice how I feel when I am around you.  I feel safe, accepted, loved, and cherished.
I notice how grateful I feel when I think about our union.  I feel blessed to walk by your side.
I notice you Matthew and I recognize what a blessing you are to me.

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