Elder Karl D. Hirst gave a beautiful talk at the October 2024 General Conference. During the talk he included hints as to how we can feel love from our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and when and where we can feel it. Here are some of the hints, scattered throughout his talk. I love these thoughts:
His arms are not shortened. They are always long enough to "[reach our] reaching" and embrace each one of us.
I really enjoy the symbolism of mountains being evidence of the certainty of God's love.
The house of the Lord is the home of our most precious covenants and a place for us all to retreat and sink deeply into the evidence of our Father's love for us.
I have also enjoyed the comfort that comes to my soul when I wrap myself more tightly in my baptismal covenant and find someone who is mourning a loss or grieving a disappointment and I try to help them hold and process their feelings.
Birdsong, feeling the sun or a breeze or rain on my skin, and times when nature puts my senses in awe of God--each has had a part in providing me with heavenly connection.
Perhaps the comfort of faithful friends.
General Conference.
A journal.
Your unique place of personal suffering. I wonder, if Jesus were to choose a place where you and He could meet, a private place where you would be able to have a singular focus on Him, might He choose your unique place of personal suffering, the place of your deepest need, where no one else can go? Somewhere you feel so lonely that you must truly be all alone but you aren't quite, a place to which perhaps only He has travelled but actually has already prepared to meet you there when you arrive? If you are waiting for Him to come, might He already be there and within reach?
Beautiful talk and insights!