Friday, September 20, 2024


7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess
By Jen Hatmaker

Ms. Hatmaker decides to go without something each month for seven months in order to rid herself of unnecessary baggage in life and to come closer to Christ. What an interesting endeavor! A few grand quotes from the book:

Hospitality: There is something so nourishing about sharing your living space with people where they see your junk mail pile and pee wee football schedule on the fridge and pile of shoes by the front door. Opening your home says, “You are welcome into my real life.” This square footage is where we laugh and hold family meetings and make homemade corn dogs and work through meltdowns.  Here is the railing our kids pulled out of the wall. These are the pictures we frame, the books we’re reading, the projects we’re undertaking—the raw material of our family.  It’s unsanitized and truthful. We invite you into this intimate place, saturated with our family character (pg. 176).

Prayer: What happens in the spiritual realm when we pray? It’s such a mystery.  What words prompt the Spirit to move? What goodness do we join Him on when we pray for peace? How powerful are our prayer words? They are a catalyst for miracles, the impetus for healing. Does God wait for us to pray in His will, primed to move for righteousness? How many relationships is He waiting to mend? How much turmoil is He poised to soothe? How much peace is He ready to administer? Are we withholding the necessary words to trigger God’s intervention? (pg. 196)

Materialism: What I know now is this: less.  I don’t need to have the most, be the best, or reach the top.  It is okay to pursue a life marked by obscurity and simplicity.  It doesn’t matter what I own or how I’m perceived (pg. 109).

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