Thursday, August 1, 2024

Another school term has come to a close.  I learn so much every week! Here are just a few notes and quotes from class this past term:

Things to say when visiting with someone...

“I’ve observed….” 

“Help me understand….” 

“I am here as an observer, not in a position of judgment.” 

“I wish I had the right words to say.” 

“I’ve never dealt with this before.”

“I’ve been thinking about you.” 

“It’s good to see you.” 

“You’ve been in my heart.”

“I’m here with you, you’re safe.”

Say "How are you holding up?" rather than "How are you?"

Don’t preach. Don’t judge. Don’t criticize or correct.

Offer comfort and reassurance.

You am there for the one.

Feeling brings healing.

"The agony is great and yet I will stand it.  Had I not loved so very much, I would not hurt so very much.  But goodness knows I would not want to diminish that precious love by one fraction.  I will hurt and I will be grateful for it.  For it bears witness to the depth of our meanings and for that I will be eternally grateful" (Anonymous).

"She has made her loss into an offering, her suffering into a crucible, her pain into medicine." (Chaplain Richard Cronshe)


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