Monday, April 15, 2024

Every week is busy.  Every week I have more things to do than I have time for.  I just keep trying and scheduling and working.  Yesterday I received a prompting that I am trying to do life all alone and that I need to ask God for help.  

But doesn't God have bigger issues to think about? People I know have more important issues to resolve in their lives than my little issues and I want God to help them before He helps me. 

But then I remembered that Christ's grace is sufficient for all men, not just some. 
God is aware of all of His children, not just some of them.

So I asked for help in my prayers.  I asked for guidance from the Holy Ghost and for strength to do what is needed.  I didn't ask to be able to do everything, but that which is needed.
Jordan Winkle expressed this situation well when he said,  "I’m prone to relying upon my own strength, and in my pride I really had thought I could overcome my trial alone. But I came to realize that I wasn’t failing because the trial was too hard; it was because I wasn’t allowing Jesus Christ to offer me His strength and support. We don’t have to face any trials alone. We can rely upon our Savior for strength.
("What I Was Misunderstanding about the Saviour," By Jordan Winkle, December 2023 Liahona)

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