Saturday, March 16, 2024

This book is a compilation of conversion stories, written by individuals from a variety of religious backgrounds. I really enjoyed reading the personal accounts. These individuals were hungry and they found the truth!

Like so many Latter-day Saints, my conversion didn’t end at baptism, or when I was ordained, or when I received my endowment, or on my mission.  Conversion, if it is to have the long-lasting effect God desires it to, must be a lifelong pursuit (pg. 127).

When I read those tracts, or when I talked to those who were seeking to “save me from the Mormons”—and from what appeared to be sure damnation—I felt dark, confused, frustrated, and more.  However, when I was talking with the missionaries, attending the LDS Church, reading the Bible or the Book of Mormon, I felt uplifted, at peace, happy, and so on (pg. 124).

If we are committed to a belief system that is less than what God wants for us, sometimes the only way for Him to wake us up to something new—something bigger than we currently have—is to bring a little instability into our lives.  If He can get our attention, He can recalibrate our direction (pg. 152).


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