Sunday, February 4, 2024

Today I sat through a wonderful Sunday School lesson taught by Sister Wilde. At the conclusion of the lesson, Sister Wilde left us with an encouraging thought.  Nephi was asked by the Lord to do something very difficult--to build a boat. He did it with the Lord's help! We have also faced difficult circumstances in our lives and we have tried to manage them with the help of the Lord. 

Sister Wilde then read this list, a list of possible things we have encountered and dealt with along our life's journey:

--Overcoming habits or addictions

--Changing your lifestyle

--Going through repentance after making serious errors

--Conquering your fears

--Mastering your talents

--Fulfilling a difficult calling

--Consecrating all that you have to God

--Forgiving the unforgivable

--Loving the unlovable

--Raising a righteous family in an unrighteous world

--Enduring crushing disappointment, such as financial setbacks, physical and emotional illness, wayward children, an unhappy marriage, no marriage, fertility problems, or an untimely death.

--Rising from an abusive, oppressive background

--Living chastely in an immoral world

--Being "as I am"

We stand with Nephi in our desire to keep the commandments, rely on the Lord for help, and "go and do" with courage and power.

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