Sunday, January 7, 2024

The first book I read this year was a great one! A friend gave this book to me for Christmas and I would recommend it. 

To whom do you listen? Whom have you allowed to be the voice of authority in your life? When you are confused about an issue, where do you first turn for insight and information? Where does the living prophet rank in the list of those to whom you look for advice? (pg. 49)

Do not make life harder by being unwilling to take counsel from those who are wiser than we are. Don’t be deceived by activists who believe their passion for a cause gives them license to censure and criticize the Church and its leaders when they don’t like what our leaders say or do. Be wary of those who think they are smarter than prophets. Be wary of those who pressure prophets to conform to the philosophies and practices of men. Beware of those who attempt to silence the voices or prophets when they refuse to conform (pg. 76).

Let prophets of God be your spiritual anchor.  Listen to them.  Study their words.  Follow their counsel.  It will protect you from deception and prevent you from making major life mistakes.  Prophets will make you smarter.  They will help you see things you cannot see. They will help you see around the corners in your life (pg. 91).


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