Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Last weekend we were in Helper, Utah for a Stake Conference.  One of the speakers in the General Session was a sister who returned recently from a mission to West Virginia. I thought the poem she wrote and shared was wonderful.  

The One
The sun comes up, it's time to go, there's much work to be done,
I want to work my hardest, to go and find 'the one'
Each day gets a little bit harder, to walk outside the door,
But I know deep down, that this is what I came here for.
We walk and talk to everyone, all those that we can see,
You'd think from so many people, just one would talk to me.
Why do they avoid me? What is it that I've done?
I'm called of God, I know it's true, I'm here to find 'the one'.
Day in and day out we walk about, I'm starting to get tired.
Not from all the walking, but from trying to stay inspired.
My motivation's wearing thin through every day that passes.
If only I was bolder, louder, maybe then I'd reach the masses.
After all that's said and done, why am I really here?
I know I'm here to find 'the one', I just hope they're getting near.
It's been a year, I'm almost through, there's so much more I wish to do!
I kneel down to pray and plead with God, "I've tried my very best".
"I've walked and talked to everyone, I've given up much rest".
"I miss my home, I miss my mom, even after all I've done, I haven't found 'the one'
I start to cry but hear a voice that whispers quietly,
"You are the one, you have been found, you've served me perfectly".
Now I think back at all I've learned and noticed something new,
Each time I tripped or stumbled, I only grew closer to You.
I've found the one who loves me, more than I'll ever know,
His name is Jesus Christ, and He's the Savior of my soul.
Now if you think you didn't succeed just stop and think it through,
Maybe the whole time you've searched,
'The one' has always been you.

Sister Ryan Brady

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