Saturday, January 20, 2024

I enjoyed reading an article titled, "4 Questions and Answers About Spiritual Gifts" by Becca Wright in the September 2023 Liahona. The list of spiritual gifts is very thought provoking. The gifts listed below are in addition to the gifts listed in the scriptures.  What an amazing and bounteous list! Here is some of what I learned:

Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught that "spiritual gifts are endless in number and infinite in variety." God can provide whatever gifts we need to accomplish His purposes, both to improve ourselves and to help others. Spiritual gifts are not limited to what is listed in the scriptures. Here are examples of spiritual gifts:



Hearing and using a still, small voice;

Being able to weep;

Avoiding contention;

Avoiding vain repetition;

Seeking that which is righteous;

Not passing judgment;

Looking to God for guidance;

Being a disciple;

Caring for others;

Being able to ponder;

Offering prayer;

Bearing a mighty testimony;

Receiving the Holy Ghost;

Having compassion;

Expressing hope;

Relating well with people;

Organizing effectively;

Speaking or writing persuasively;

Teaching clearly;

Working hard, and many, many more.

In addition to the gifts one is born with, it is possible to develop many additional spiritual gifts throughout one's life.  Receiving spiritual gifts frequently requires effort. Although they are called "gifts," we likely won't receive them passively.  It is more likely that Heavenly Father will give us opportunities to develop those gifts rather than just granting them to us without spiritual and physical effort.

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