Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Happy thoughts....

When my brother dressed up for a family party and delighted the children.

 When a granddaughter went to the temple to do baptisms at the beginning of the new year because she finally could!

 When we lit up a cake at Cafe Rio for a birthday celebration 
(he blew the candles out quickly!)

 Baby Brady smiling (this picture was taken before he was hit with RSV)

Getting dressed to go outside in 20 degree weather to run up 
Sego Lily on Christmas morning.

The Christmas birthday boy holding his dessert

If family comes from out of town anticipating snow and there is not any snow in the neighborhood, a short drive up the canyon solves the problem!

A service project for refugees where the children of the family manned the stations.

Not all, but a lot of grandkids together on New Year's Eve

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