Saturday, November 11, 2023

This is the book we discussed at our Book Club meeting this week. I liked this book because it made me think, and the drawings were wonderful! Mr. Montague shares ways we can validate children and also how we can continue to engage in life in adulthood. Here are a few excerpts:

Two different planets: youthful optimism, grownup cynicism (pg. 98).

When wondering what in the world we could do for the children around us, better grownups remember. Better grownups remember they were once children, too.  Knowing this, they spend their lives as elevator operators, simply lifting the people in their midst to change (pg. 155). 

The trick is to trade in our childishness for things that are more childlike.  To trade in our childish fear and in return receive childlike fascination (pg. 272).

Be dedicated to wonder—see it, create it, and share it (pg. 274).

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