Monday, October 23, 2023

Today I am thinking about self-improvement. I read this:

"A family made plans to go on a fun trip together. They were excited to visit a new place and have some great adventures. About halfway through their trip, their car broke down. They were sad and discouraged. They felt that all their efforts had been wasted, so they decided to go back home and start their trip all over again. Now, you may say to yourself, that is ridiculous—why would they completely start over? But don’t we do the same thing sometimes? Sometimes we feel discouraged or falsely believe that one little mistake erases all the progress we have made. But mistakes don’t erase the progress we make as we strive to become more like Jesus Christ."
(Self-Control: A Cycle of Trying and Failing By Ben Erwin, Liahona, August 2023)

I like this encouraging thought too:
"Don't attempt to remodel yourself completely all at once.  Take one trait at a time.  Work on it alone for a week, or a month, or a year.  When it is conquered, proceed to the net one.  In a few years, you surely will have weeded most of your own enemies."
(Mary M. Ellsworth, "A Message to Young Mothers, Oct. 1963 RS Magazine)

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