Sunday, September 17, 2023

I really liked a digital-only article in the September Liahona titled, "What If Everything I Did Was Motivated by Love for God?" by Maryssa Dennis. 

Maryssa begins, "I used to think of being Christlike as a hefty list of things I had to do and be.  When I tried to set goals, I'd get overwhelmed thinking about how far I was from where I should be. I felt like I was failing in so many ways I didn't know where to start. I realized that I'd been more focused on "doing" the gospel than becoming like the Savior.  Somehow, with so many distractions, the love got lost along the way.  But wasn't love supposed to be the point?

I decided to set a simple goal: "Do one thing each day to love God, others, and myself."

After just a few days, I was amazed by the difference.  With showing Christlike love as my goal, things that usually felt like a chore became expressions of love for God, others, and myself. I started looking for new opportunities to express love. I felt like I was seeing the world with new eyes, and as I looked for ways to love, I also noticed the love that was all around me every day.  I added a new section to my journal entries: "How I've seen God's love today."

When I felt like I was failing, Jesus Christ's love is what lifted me back up. When I feel the Savior's love, I want to reflect it back into the world.

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