Monday, September 25, 2023

Another digital article from the September Liahona taught me important things.

"How Can I Be Empathetic without Becoming Overwhelmed?" By Chakell Wardleigh Herbert

I was feeling my loved ones’ problems like they were my own.

I am a helper. And believe it or not, this can be a toxic trait in some instances. By wanting to help everyone solve their problems, I sometimes stretch myself too far. I neglect my own needs.

When someone shares their struggles with me, I try to put myself in their shoes and understand their point of view. But the problems come when I (metaphorically) forget to take their shoes off.

I’m learning that I can listen to, support, and sit with someone in their struggle, but I do not have to take on their challenge as my constant companion. I can “mourn with those that mourn," but I also need to step back into my own shoes and take charge of my own challenges and responsibilities. I have to take care of myself if I’m going to have any energy and compassion left to give others!

I’ve learned that offering support and compassion doesn’t require extravagant efforts to fix problems. Simply reminding others of your and Heavenly Father’s love can do wonders.

While I can’t resolve the pain of everyone I care about, there is someone who can.

I am not the Savior.

I don’t have the capacity to be there for every person who needs a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, or instant solutions to their challenges.

I am simply one of Christ’s disciples.

I can share inklings of His love and shed glimmers of His light in darkening corners of the world.

What I give, combined with what He gives, will always be enough.

Aren't those beautiful, encouraging words? I often cannot solve the problem, fix the problem, or make everything better, but I can express love and help the person to see a light at the end of the tunnel.


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