Monday, January 1, 2018

I think I have mentioned before how much I like this book. The message is so important.  We can choose to grow, develop and change, or we can say we are set and "as we are." Here are a few quotes from the book that inspire me:

True self-confidence is the courage to be open--to welcome change and new ideas regardless of their source.  Real self-confidence is not reflected in a title, an expensive suit, a fancy car, or a series of acquisitions.  It is reflected in your mindset: your readiness to grow.

I believe that everyone, of whatever age and circumstance, is capable of self-transformation.

Think of something you need to do, something you want to learn, or a problem you have to confront.  What is it?  Now make a concrete plan.  When will you follow through on your plan?  Where will you do it?  How will you do it?  Think about it in vivid detail.  These concrete plans--plans you can visualize--about when, where, and how you are going to do something lead to really high levels of follow through, which, of course, ups the chances of success.

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